Sunday, October 10, 2010

Activiti Manusia Menyebabkan Pencemaran Sungai

Sumber Air Tercemar Akibat daripada Pembuangan Sampah Domestik

Pembuangan Sampah sarap yang teratur bertanggungjawab

Aktiviti Manusia Menyebabkan Pencemaran Sungai

Kami Pelajar RIVER RANGER Yang Bersedia Mengikuti Latihan


Pasukan Bersedia dengan penuh semangat untuk menjalankan Kajian Lapangan
Pasukan RIVER RANGER SMK Valdor Penuh Bersemangat

Kita Ahli River Ranger SMK Valdor Akan Memastikan Kebersihan Sungai Demi Alam Tercinta

Pemantauan Kebersihan Sungai

Pemantauan Sentiasa dijalankan bersama Guru-guru SMK Valdor
Kebersihan sungai dititikberatkan

Pemantauan Kebersihan sungai

Pemantuaan kebersihan sungai badak mati

Pics from Fellow river rangers .....

Snapshots from the field work on 2nd Sept


Courtesy SMK Valdor River Ranger Ong Yang Chyi

Monday, September 27, 2010

Kajian Lapangan pada 02.09.2010

Pada hari ini, seramai 30 orang ahli pasukan River Ranger SMK Valdor dengan iringan guru River Ranger, Encik Ong Chin Bin telah mengadakan pemantauan kedua di lokasi kajian, iaitu Sungai Badak Mati, di SMK Valdor Sungai Bakap.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kajian Lapangan 10.08.2010....

Pasukan River Ranger mengadakan kajian pertama yang merangkumi

(a) Hidrologi sungai
(b) Pemerhatian fizikal(kad laporan sungai)
(c) Kajian kualiti air
(d) Kajian biologi

Kajian lapangan ini akan dijalankan sebanyak tiga kali sepanjang program ini.
Satu kaedah yang murah dan mudah digunakan oleh kumpulan inidividu daripada pelbagai latar belakang untuk menilai kualiti air melalui pemungutan dan pencaman species penunjuk utama yang terdiri daripada makroinvertebrata terutamanya serangga akuatik.
Presedur ini dibuat dengan tujuan mendapatkan bilai kualiti air dengan cepat , iaitu di tempat pengukuran itu sendiri dan seterunya memblolehkan pengesanan lokasi punca pencemaran. Prosedur ini dapat melatih pelajar-pelajar menjalankan kajian dan penilaian dan pemantauan berterusan kualiti air

The results:
River Report Card:
Category 1: Land use......................3
Category 2: Rubbish.......................8
Category 3: Pipes and Drains .......4
Category 4: Extra Structures.......6
Category 5: Smell..........................9
Category 6: Water conditions......9
Category 7: Vegetations...............6
Category 8: Vertebrae animal life...9
Category 9: Water movement...8

TOTAL: 62......

River Ranger Training 21 Julai 2010

Snapshots From the Pelancaran Aktiviti River Ranger SMK Valdor tahun 2010.
Guru Penasihat PAsukan River Ranger SMK Valdor, EN ONG CHIN BIN memberikan ucapan pembukaan.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Test Your Knowledge!!!!

Take this test and see
how much you know about water.

1. What percentage of the Earth
is covered by water?

2. What percentage of the Earth's water
is readily available for humans to use?

3. How much water is contained
in the human body?

4. Which contains more water
as a percentage of body weight,
a woman's or a man's body?

5. Why do male and female bodies
tend to have different amounts of water?

6. How much water does the human body
lose in a typical day?

7. Why is water especially good
for people on a diet?

8. What is the largest use of water...
indoors? outdoors?

9. What percentage of treated drinking water is consumed by people?

10. How much of a chicken is water?

11. How much of a pineapple is water?

12. How much of a tomato is water?

13. How much of an elephant is water?

14. How much of an ear of corn is water?

15. How much does a gallon of water weight?

Check your answers!!!

Answers: 1. Some 80% of the Earth is covered by water or ice. Only about 20% is dry land.

2. 97% of the water on earth is salty ocean and 2% is frozen.
The remaining 1% is available to meet human needs.

3. If you're an adult, your body contains about 40 quarts
or 10 gallons of water.

4. A man's body is 60-65% water.
A woman's is 50-60% water.
The human brain is about 75% water.

5. Muscle tissue contains a large amount of water.
Fat tissues contain virtually no water.
Men tend to have more muscle as a percentage
of body weight while women have more fat.

6. You lose 2.5 to 3 quarts of water per day
through normal elimination, sweating and breathing.
If you exercise or live in a humid climate,
you may lose another quarter.

7. It has zero calories and zero sugar,
but a good drink of water can reduce hunger.
Water also helps your body metabolize stored fats,
helps maintain proper muscle tone,
and helps rid the body of wastes.

8. Lawn sprinkling uses the most water outdoors.
Inside, toilets use the most, with an average of
27 gallons per person per day.
Laundry averages 17 gallons per person per day and
showers 14 gallons.

9. Typically, less than 1% of the treated
drinking water, produced by utilities
is actually consumed by people.
Most goes for lawns, showers
and tubs, toilets, etc.

10. 75%

11. 80%

12. 95%

13. 76%

14. 80%

15. 1 liter of water weighs 1 kg
1 gallon = 3.78 liter
1 gallon of water = 3.78 kg
1 kg = 1000 gram
1 European pound = 500 gram
1 American pound = 453 gram
1 European ton = 1000 kg
1 American ton = 906 kg

River Rangers On a Mission-----Begins!!!!!

Pelancaran Program River Ranger Perignkat Sekolah
Tarikh: 28.7.2010
Alamat River Ranger: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Valdor
Sungai Badak Mati
Sungai Bakap, Sungai Jawi
Selat Melaka

The SMK Valdor River Rangers Pioneers, Roshenee, Tan Chung Wei and Seah Jia Qian have begun work on spreading this message of the environment to the school community.
On the 26th of July 2010 the first step of spreading word commences.First off, the River Rangers are invited on stage to be given their certificates from the Pengetua, En. Teoh Piah Teik.Following that, the leader of the SMK Valdor River Rangers team, Roshenee Gunusagaran gives a short explanation of what is a 'River Ranger'. She also on behalf of the team describes the various experiences and knowledge obtained through this program. As a conclusion, the whole SMK Valdor community including teachers and students are encouranged to either participate in this programmes ahnds-on or do this respective duties for the goodness of this planet.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Penasihat :
1)Encik Phillip Lee
2)Encik Mohd. Shukri Zakaria
Cikgu Ong Chin Bin
Roshenee a/p Gunusagaran
Ahli Jawatankuasa:
1)Seah Jia Qian
2)Tan Chung Wei

Alamat Sekolah:
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Valdor
Sungai Badak Mati
Sungai Bakap
Sungai Jawi
Selat Melaka
Latihan RIVER Ranger Sekolah Pulau Pinang 20-21 Julai 2010
Komtar, Tingkat 55

Pada 02.08.2010 pasukan River Ranger SMKVALODOR dibentuk secara sepenuhnya
Ahli jawatan kuasa di atas disertai pula seramai 30 pelajar yang berminat.
Para ahli....
1. Chang Jia Yun
2. Teoh Zhen Wei
3. Vidyarubban
4. Usha
5. Ong Yang Chyi
6. Tan Jey Hooi
7. Heng Shin Hui
8. Lee Zhu Ni
9. Wang Hong Chee
10. Gable
11. Lim Chia Yang
12. Tan Kok Teng
13. Teo Hui Jia
14. Tan Chin Sin
15. Cheah Chee Chong
16. Oo Zi Hao
17. Ching Jia Jun
18. Sam Lim
19. Lee Chun Lin
20. Ng Pei Pei