Thursday, March 31, 2011

Program JPS @ Komuniti Di Sungai Kecil

Penglibatan Pasukan River Ranger SMK Valdor dalam Program Pendidikan Alam Sekitar River Ranger Pada 05 Mac 2011

Pasukan River Ranger SMK Valdor bersama Pegawai JPS En Phillip Lee Sin Fook bersedia menjalan program Komuniti

Pasukan River Ranger SKM Valdor bersama-sama komuniti menjalankan kajian kualiti Air sungai

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Water Conservation in Taiwan

Water in Taiwan

The picture below shows the water sources in Taiwan.
There are five ways for the government of Taiwan to protect water resource.

  1. Water Utilization: Promote rational and efficient use of water. Ensure stable supply of water resources.
  2. Water Regulation: Integrate comprehensive watershed management. Reduce flood damage and loss.
  3. Water Rapprochement: Improve and create riverbank surroundings. Increase water accessible and enjoyable areas.
  4. Water Revitalization: Improve water recycling and reuse. Promote versification of water supply.
  5. Water Preservation: Better preserve soil and groundwater. Increase water utilization efficiency.


Distribution of Rivers....

The picture above shows some major rivers in the world. Do you know anything about it?

The World Water System

World water system

Distribution of Oceans
The picture above shows the five Oceans in our world. Do you know anything about it?

The Water Cycle

The picture above shows the Water Cycle. Do you have any idea about it?

  • The sunshine turns the water into vapor or steam.


  • The water vapor goes into the air, where it becomes a cloud.


  • When the temperature is warm, like during the spring or summer, clouds get so full of water that rain starts to fall.


  • Snow is just like rain except it falls when the air is cold, like during late fall and winter.

Rivers and streams

  • Rivers and streams carry the water that comes from rain and melted snow into the ocean. They sometimes can carry this water a long way.


Oceans are like really big lakes. When water gets into the oceans, it mixes and becomes salty. When the sun shines on the oceans, the water gets warmer and becomes vapor, which goes into the air and becomes a cloud. Most of the water on the earth is in the oceans.

Why River Rangers??? ---Water Scarcity

Distribution of water in 2025

From the above picture, if the prediction is true, water will be lack in Indonesia and Taiwan in 2025. Although it is not a seriously lacking, we still need to do something to prevent it. It is not for us only, it is for our child for our next generation. Who know what will happen at that time, it is just a foretell. Let us do something make it nothing.

Water resources....

Water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful to humans. Uses of water include agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental activities. Virtually all of these human uses require fresh water. Fresh water is a renewable resource, yet the world's supply of clean, fresh water is steadily decreasing. Water demand already exceeds supply in many parts of the world, and as world population continues to rise at an unprecedented rate, many more areas are expected to experience this imbalance in the near future.

Where does water come from?

Do you know where your drinking water come from?

The water you get from your bottle can come from two places -

  1. From the water in lakes or rivers (surface water)
  2. From water that comes from wells (groundwater)

Did you know?

  1. 97% of the water on earth is in the oceans
  2. Only 3% of the water on earth is freshwater
  3. About 2.4% of the water on earth is permanently frozen in glaciers and at the polar ice caps
  4. About 1/2 of 1 % of the water on earth is groundwater
  5. Only about 1/100 of 1% of the water on earth is in the rivers and lakes
  6. It takes 39,090 gallons of water to make a new car, including the tires
  7. Over 17,000,000 houses use private wells for their drinking water supply
  8. A person can live about a month without food, but can't live only about 1 week without water

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lawatan ke Kilang Paper mendalami tentang teknik dalam menjaga Alam Sekitar

Rombongan pelajar telah melawati Kilang Paper untuk menpelajari pelbagai kaedah yang sistematik dalam menjaga kebersihan Alam Sekitar. Di antara yang dijalankan termasuklah 4Rs iaitu recycle, reuse, reduce and renew, dapat memberi gambaran dan didikan kepada pelajar tentang kesedaran terhadap alam sekitar. Selain itu juga mengetahui tentang kaedah yang berkesan dalam mengendalikan bahan buangan yang teratur supaya tidak memberi kesan kepada pencemaran sungai.

Rombongan pelajar dan guru yang menyertai lawatan

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Water pollution

JPS @ Komuniti.....River Rangers go COMMUNITY!!!!

Laporan aktiviti JPS @ Komuniti ---River Rangers SMK Valdor Sg. Bakap.

Tarikh: 5 Mac 2011
Masa : 8.00a.m.-12.00p.m.
Tempat : Dewan JKKK Sungai Kechil
Ahli : 1. Roshenee Gunusagaran ----5A
2. Lim Wei Kheng-------------5A
3. Chuah Ming Wey-----------5A
4. Ching Jia Jun---------------5A

Kajian ke atas Sungai Kechil telah dilakukan oleh pasukan river rangers di atas.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


2 Physical impacts of agriculture on rivers and impact mitigation

2 1 Land drainage

2.1.1 Agricultural drainage impacts on the water and sediments of the river system. Land drainage has been used since the mid 18th century in Scotland to increase the suitability of land for cultivation. As a consequence, it has been suggested that in times of flooding or heavy rain, water levels have risen and fallen much faster (i.e. floods have become more flashy) as a result of drainage

2 1 2 Drainage and ditching lower the water table to enable agriculturally desirable plants to grow more productively. Water falling on the land is transported away more effectively. Thus, in drained catchments, river flow matches the rainfall profile more closely than in a natural catchment (although there will be a time-lag relating to catchment characteristics and the preceding soil saturation level). Drainage reduces the natural buffering capacity of the catchment against floods, so the magnitude and frequency of floods downstream may be increased. Conversely, as the natural 'sponge' effect of the land is reduced, drained land may be drier for longer. Lowering of the water table can be detrimental to wetland communities

2 1 3 Drains (infilled ditches with plastic or clay pipes in them, either with or without gravel backfill) are used in fields to encourage subsurface flow, whereas open ditches are more common in upland areas where overland flow predominates. Infilled drains allow ploughing

2 1 4 Generally, field drains are not responsible for large sediment inputs, but do cause an accelerated throughput of water. They constitute a long lasting alteration of the natural flow regime and have become part of the 'natural' process of surface water run-off

2 1.5 Ditch maintenance involves cleaning out deposited sediment and vegetation growth. To limit impacts on habitat and damage to receiving streams, it is recommended that ditch maintenance is done infrequently, at times that avoids sensitive periods in the life cycles of aquatic species, and that only one side of the ditch is cleared per year. This allows some continuity of habitat. Minimising impacts to vegetation during maintenance works also limits erosion Shallow bed gradients and vegetated side slopes constitute good ditch construction techniques

2.1 6 The construction of flood embankments to protect agricultural land from inundation is common. Rivers can breach these banks in periods of high flood, often repeatedly at the same point. To reduce the likelihood of repeated breaching, care should be taken during construction and repair to avoid altering the natural morphology. Flood damage costs to the farmer include loss of crops and topsoil, embankment reconstruction costs, and unnaturally high rates of channel change. Embankments may cause the height of flooding to be increased downstream since they prevent water occupying the floodplain

2 2 Abstractions for irrigation

2 2 1 Unregulated water abstraction for crop spraying and irrigation reduces the flow left in the stream. This is particularly significant during periods of low flow when a given extraction rate takes a greater percentage of the total discharge. Aquatic flora and fauna will thus lose habitat, and pollution will be less diluted in periods of abstraction and low flow.

2 2.2 Farmers should consult SEPA prior to abstracting water for irrigation, since an abstraction licence may be needed. Farmers should also be encouraged to abstract as little water as possible during low flow conditions, thus allowing an adequate 'hands off discharge. This is particularly true for salmon spawning rivers where an adequate intragravel flow is necessary to supply eggs and fry with oxygenated water and to remove metabolites. Farmers can be encouraged to build reservoirs which fill naturally during winter and provide a water source for irrigation in summer

2 3 River engineering works

2 3 1 Piecemeal bank protection is often undertaken at sites where farmland is being eroded. Methods include dumping boulders, concrete and car bodies against the eroding bank. The use of such 'hard' material tends to alter instream flow dynamics, deflecting the main current and causing bank erosion immediately downstream. Traditionally, gabion baskets and rip-rap have been used to provide long-term bank protection. They are now widely questioned on environmental grounds as they are visually intrusive, reduce bankside habitat availability and alter natural instream and bankside processes. Other 'hard' bank protection methods include, the use of current deflectors (though this may cause erosion on the opposite bank), the use of a stone berm at the toe of the bank, and bank reprofiling to reduce bank slope Soft engineering involves planting and the use of geotextile filter layers, and aims to dissipate rather than deflect the river's energy. It is less obtrusive than 'hard' engineering. Good practices for river engineering are detailed in Hoey et al (1995).

2 3 2 Dredging for flood alleviation or drainage improvement may occasionally be undertaken by farmers. Information and Advisory Note No 23 covers dredging operations and mitigation measures in detail

2 4 Ploughing and crop cultivation

2 4 1 Soil erosion occurs when there is a combination of heavy rain or wind, and exposed soil. Erosion by water most commonly occurs where there are clear routes for the run-off to follow, such as plough furrows and tyre wheelings running up and down the slope. The impact of erosion upon the river system is greater during winter, when an increased sediment load due to exposed soil or high winds, and faster run-off due to a saturated or frozen substrate, results in the arrival of 'coffee coloured' sediment laden run-off in streams

2 4 2 During storms, less than 1 % of the total number of arable fields in Scotland are affected by rills and gullies. Some rainfall events do have a significant erosive effect locally. These storms can be either intense or prolonged, and preceding catchment conditions help determine the erosive outcome of the storm. Rill and gully erosion occurs when run-off becomes concentrated by irregularities in the soil surface.

2.4.3 Fields can be particularly vulnerable to soil erosion where crops such as potatoes, swedes and turnips have been grown in rows. Erosion can be serious where conditions have been wet at harvest and the ground between the rows is rutted. Run-off may then become concentrated between the rows. Soil may also be vulnerable to erosion after row crops are planted when there is a high percentage of bare ground. Crop rotation may lead to different levels of soil protection in different years, and ploughing-in of the crop residue after harvest will improve the organic matter content of the soil. Cultivation of steep slopes, and the compaction of land by heavy machinery also exacerbate erosion problems

2 4.4 The amount of erosion and thus sediment entering a river, can be greatly reduced by sensitive cultivation practices MAFF and SOAEFD have issued Codes of Practices to encourage appropriate practices (MAFF 1993, SOAEFD 1997) Erosion control is dependent upon good management, including sufficient crop cover, appropriate crop selection, and good tillage practices

2.4.5 Land management techniques can be used to control the movement of water and wind over the soil surface and hence reduce erosion. These methods are normally used in conjunction with agronomic (plant cover) measures. Management techniques include: ploughing, planting and cultivation along the contour, which can reduce soil loss from a slope by up to 50%, contour bunds (earth banks) across the slope acting as barriers to run-off; windbreaks (usually stands of trees but also hedges, stone walls, brush fences etc.), and geotextiles on slopes to provide temporary stability until vegetation becomes established.

2.4.6 Fields next to rivers should not be ploughed before or during winter when erosion is exacerbated by periods of heavy, prolonged rain and flooding. If a crop is sown in late summer or early autumn, e g. winter oil-seed rape or winter barley, there is a good chance that there will be an adequate crop cover to prevent serious winter erosion. Undersowing cereal crops with a grass mixture will mean that there is a good cover of vegetation over the winter after the crop is harvested, which will reduce the potential for erosion.

2 4 7 Direct inputs of sediment can be avoided by leaving buffer strips adjacent to watercourses. The appropriate width for the buffer strip depends upon the nature of the soils, the vegetation and the river. Treatment using fertilisers, insecticides, pesticides and herbicides must avoid buffer strips. Water margins can be an important wildlife habitat, and their value is increased if they are protected by a buffer strip. If there is no buffer strip, there is a danger that the margins will become just a nutrient and sediment sink, and that the diversity of plants will be reduced as the area becomes dominated by plants that can take advantage of these nutrients

2.5 Livestock

2.5 1 Trampling by cattle and sheep can compact the soil causing increased run-off. Livestock also trample and feed on vegetation, the root systems of which bind soil together. The destruction of vegetation reduces both the interception of rainfall by plants, and the resistance to run-off created by the plants themselves. This means that more of the rain falling on the land runs off into the watercourse immediately after it has fallen, increasing soil erosion and sediment transport. Heavy grazing of the riparian zone will affect the plant community, reduce shading for fish and perhaps reduce beneficial inputs to the stream

2.5.2 Livestock can break banks down by trampling. They can increase bed roughness by repeatedly crossing the stream at certain points (this locally increases flow height), and they disturb the bed, temporarily increasing suspended sediment concentrations Increased bed roughness and loose soil from trampling, increases the susceptibility of banks to erosion, particularly during flood flows. In addition, the shear weight of livestock on a heavy saturated bank could cause slumping

2 5 3 Livestock can be excluded from river banks by fencing off erosion prone areas. This also allows a natural riparian zone to develop, improving marginal shading of the stream and riparian habitat diversity. There is however, some concern that larger riparian shrubs increase flood damage by increasing frictional resistance and roughness, producing eddying Some managed access or riparian zone grazing may form an effective compromise and allow livestock continued access to water

Our River USES!!!!!!!!!!!

Uses of river

  • Hydroelectric power
  • Irrigation
  • Fertile alluvial soil
  • Tourist attraction

Hydro-electric power

Dams are often builds across rivers to tap on the river energy to generate hydroelectric power. Hydroelectric power plants convert the kinetic energy contained in falling water into electricity. Hydropower is currently the world's largest renewable source of electricity, accounting for 6% of worldwide energy supply or about 15% of the world's electricity. In Canada, hydroelectric power is abundant and supplies 60% of our electrical needs.

Hydroelectric power plants capture the energy released by water falling through a vertical distance, and transform this energy into useful electricity. In general, falling water is channeled through a turbine, which converts the water's energy into mechanical power. The rotation of the water turbines is transferred to a generator, which produces electricity. The amount of electricity, which can be generated at a hydroelectric plant, is dependent upon two factors. These factors are (1) the vertical distance through which the water falls, called the "head", and (2) the flow rate, measured as volume per unit time.


Irrigation has been practiced throughout the world. There are modern ways to obtain water from the river as well as traditional ways. Irrigation is very important to areas where there is long period of drought, areas with seasonal rainfall. Irrigation has helped farmers to have double or even up to triple cropping per year.

Fertile alluvial soil

Floodplain and delta are good agricultural land, which have fertile alluvial soil. The alluvial is increased when the river floods. The flat and low-lying floodplain and delta makes it easier for people to build settlement and farm. Many urban settlements start in the fertile floodplain. Bangkok in the Menam Chao Phraya Delta of Thailand is one good example.

Tourist Attraction

Famous rivers are popular tourist attraction. Tourist comes to see the spectacular view of the various landforms in the river. Many people flock to North America to see the Niagara fall on the Niagara River. The Singapore River is also one of the tourist attraction in Singapore.

Recreational Purposes

Rivers are also places that provide a very good enviroment for whitewater rafting and various other water sport.

Friendly microorganisms

When mentioning the word microorganism or bacteria, one may imagine harmful germs. However the microorganisms used in EM•1® production (Lactic Acid Bacteria, Yeast, Phototrophic Bacteria) exclude any pathogenic and genetically modified microorganisms that are harmful to humans, animals and plants. EM•1® consists only of safe microorganisms that have been used, either intentionally or unintentionally, since ancient times.

Lactic Acid Bacteria

Lactic acid bacteria is, taxonomically, a generic term for bacteria that convert large amounts of sugars into lactic acid through lactic acid fermentation. Through the production of lactic acid, lactic acid bacteria also inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and other various microorganisms by lowering the pH. Lactic acid bacteria are widely known in the production of fermented foods such as cheese and yogurt that can be naturally preserved for a long period of time. Ever since Louis Pasteur discovered lactic acid bacteria in 1857, it has been noted for its beneficial effects on health and longevity. Recent research indicates that besides regulating the intestines, lactic acid bacteria also are known for being involved in immunostimulatory activity; having antioncotic properties; their antimutagenicity; lowering cholesterol; and for having a hypotensive effect.


Known as a fermentation starter, yeast is a microorganism necessary for the brewing of alcohol and the making of bread. Yeast was discovered by the Dutch merchant Antony Van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723), who first discovered the world of microorganisms. Taxonomically, yeast is a eukaryotic. It differs from fungus in that it generally is unicellular throughout its life. Within the microbial world it is a small group of microorganisms, yet it is essential for human life.

Yeast live in sugar-rich environments such as in nectar and the surface of fruits. In EM•1®, yeast produces many biologically active agents such as amino acids and polysaccharides.

Phototrophic Bacteria

Phototrophic bacteria (also known as photosynthetic bacteria) are an ancient type of bacteria in existence from before the Earth had its present concentration of oxygen. As its name indicates, these bacteria utilize solar energy to metabolize organic and inorganic substances.

Phototrophic bacteria exist in rice fields and lakes, and everywhere on Earth. In practical terms, the potential of phototrophic bacteria is particularly seen in the environmental fields. Because it decomposes organic materials well, among these applications is its use in wastewater treatment. Research has also reported on its effectiveness in applied use in agriculture, aquaculture, and animal husbandry. Research is also underway in its use in hydrogen production and its ability to decompose persistent substances.

Phototrophic bacteria are involved in various metabolic systems, and play a major role in nitrogen cycling and carbon cycling. Because this role allows the other microorganisms in EM•1® to co-exist, phototrophic bacteria are the essential element of EM•1®.

EM Mudballs----Saving OUR Rivers!!!!!

EM Mudballs are made of dried mud into which EMBokashi and Activated EM•1® have been kneaded. They are used to clean up bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and oceans where there are concentrated deposits of sludge and slime.

How to make EM™ Mudballs

Basic Materials:

  • Dirt. It is usually best to use clay-like dirt that can easily be formed into balls.
  • Activated EM•1® (AEM).
  • Molasses (At 10% the volume of the Activated EM•1®. For example, use 7 Tbs of molasses for 1 liter/quart of Activated EM•1®.)
  • EM Bokashi.
  • EM·X® Ceramics Powder. (In Japan, EM Super Cera® Ferment C or Terra C is used.)

How to use EM Mudballs

  • Use EM Mudballs in river bottoms and mud flats where slime has accumulated. Use one EM Mudball for each square meter of surface area.
  • Use EM Mudballs once each season until results are seen.
  • Cleaning up oceans, rivers, lakes and ponds requires the application of EM into the water through a variety of methods. It is recommended that Activated EM•1® also be regularly applied into the water to supplement the use of EM Mudballs.

Ratio of materials

  • When using dirt only: 10 parts dirt + Activated EM•1® (AEM) + EM·X® Ceramics Powder (optional).
  • When using dirt and EM Bokashi: 8 parts dirt to 2-4 parts EM Bokashi + Activated EM•1® (AEM) + EM·X® Ceramics Powder (optional).
  • 8 parts dirt to 1-3 parts EMBokashi + Special EM Bokashi for EM Mudballs + Activated EM•1® (AEM) + EM·X® Ceramics Powder (optional).
  • When using dirt and mud from mud flats: 5 parts dirt to 5 parts mud flat mud + Activated EM•1® (AEM) + EM·X® Ceramics Powder (optional).
  • When using dirt and mud from mud flats and EM Bokashi: 9 parts dirt to 9 parts mud from mud flats + 1 part EM Bokashi + Activated EM•1® (AEM) + EM·X® Ceramics Powder (optional).


  • Since the water content of the dirt and mud used will vary, the amount of Activated EM•1® (AEM) will vary as well. As a general rule, though, if for instance you produce 3.5 – 4 gallons of material you will need approximately 1 liter/quart of Activated EM•1® (AEM). Always be sure to have enough Activated EM•1® (AEM) on hand in case it is needed. If you use it up, you can add extra water instead (don’t be afraid to use a lot of Activated EM•1®).
  • The amount of optional EM·X® Ceramics Powder will be between 0.5-1.0% of the total amount. For example, for 2.5 gallons of material this will equal 3.5 – 7 Tbs of EM·X® Ceramics Powder.