Friday, September 17, 2010

River Rangers On a Mission-----Begins!!!!!

Pelancaran Program River Ranger Perignkat Sekolah
Tarikh: 28.7.2010
Alamat River Ranger: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Valdor
Sungai Badak Mati
Sungai Bakap, Sungai Jawi
Selat Melaka

The SMK Valdor River Rangers Pioneers, Roshenee, Tan Chung Wei and Seah Jia Qian have begun work on spreading this message of the environment to the school community.
On the 26th of July 2010 the first step of spreading word commences.First off, the River Rangers are invited on stage to be given their certificates from the Pengetua, En. Teoh Piah Teik.Following that, the leader of the SMK Valdor River Rangers team, Roshenee Gunusagaran gives a short explanation of what is a 'River Ranger'. She also on behalf of the team describes the various experiences and knowledge obtained through this program. As a conclusion, the whole SMK Valdor community including teachers and students are encouranged to either participate in this programmes ahnds-on or do this respective duties for the goodness of this planet.

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